Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Power Crisis...

Power saved is power earned.I used to believe this concept. But once I came to this city it changed like anything. What people believe here is that once you have the power use it to the maximum coz you are not sure even if u save power will it in turn benefit you.So it's all circling around benefit of their own.

I am talking about electricity.And this summer is no exception. For instance, yesterday the electricity went off @ 10.30 pm. And as usual all the AC's,fans and almost all the appliances are in "switched on" position. So even if electricity knocks back it can't hold on to the sudden load of all the turned on appliances and there it goes again.And guess what it came back @ 2.30 am when the technician connected a fuse equivalent to the size of a Adult Finger(Middle Finger to be more precise).
AC usage : I think the best way would be to regulate the amount of electricity one should use. Instead of charging them more for more use just disconnect. People with simple Air Coolers and Fans should be given more priority.

Don't blame the electricians as I myself witnessed them working 24 hrs.Yesterday I saw a person getting abusive telling that he will pull some
god damned politicians to take care of this issue of frequent power outage.
Still he is not ready to promise to save electricity. And what is that politician gonna do, will he come and connect the fuse in the middle of the night. No way.

Grow up people. These small technicians n engineers are doing whatever they can just to get you some sleep and then you in turn threaten to make them loose their sleep. What an irony??

Why there is No Save Electricity Drive in this city? If you ask people they will argue they dont get enough to save.But then will they save if they get enough. No will be the answer,coz they aren't used to do any good to and for the society.

1 comment:

  1. You can't blame the people entirely... It so god damn hot these days...we all sweat like hell..(including you) Summer is the only time when there's a surge in the demand for electricity... The government should take appropriate steps to ensure that there's no power shortage during this period... The flaw lies in the system as well... We've got ministries for promoting and funding non-conventional sources of energy (like wind power, solar energy etc.) but there's not even a single solar panel in CGO Complex (Central Govt. Office Complex)...What an irony...!!!
